The Sky Above
On the fourth floor, in the lobby of the Planetarium, you can study the earth's magnetic field, explore the sunlight and our seasons or find out more about the magical and mystical northern lights. You will also find the entrance to the Planetarium, where we have regular shows.
Climate and Weather
On the 2nd floor you can learn about weather phenomena such as snow, ice, wind and the challenges we face regarding our planet's climate. You can find out how snow packs around buildings, and how ice and snow crystals are shaped. Play our climate games and learn about the carbon cycle of the oceans.
Energy and Environment in the North
We are presenting two subjects on the 1st floor of the Science Centre. One of them is Energy and Environment in the North. Here, you can explore different ways of harvesting energy, maybe through sun, water or wind. You can play with energy, be it building a track for ping-pong balls or maneuvering a larger ball through hoops using an air cannon.
In our installation "The Energy of the Body" visitors can compete against each other!
Body and Brain
The second subject on the 1st floor is Body and Brain. Here, you can explore your own body, how does it look and how does it work? Are you good at balancing, and do you have a steady hand? Do you have a good memory and are you agile? You can challenge your brain with games and puzzles, cooperating with or competing against your friends or family if you like.